What Are the Benefits of Working with an Interior Designer?
Hiring an interior designer might sound like something reserved only for the rich and famous, but in truth, working with an interior designer can actually be a time and money saving move on your part. What is that saying our grandmothers told us, “There is nothing more expensive than a job done twice.”
At UpMarket we have the privilege of working with designers every day and helping them dream up and source unique looks for their projects. I guess you could say we are their best kept secret.
Here are just a few of the reasons why we at UpMarket believe working with an interior designer is the smart thing to do:
Interior designers are formally trained professionals. They can give you a professional assessment of your space. They look at a home with “fashion-forward eyes” and provide the creativity needed to make a space beautiful and functional. They do the hard work for you by sourcing materials, developing design boards, choosing paint colors, fabric, lighting and more. Interior designers provide creative solutions for problem areas and can help you avoid costly mistakes, all while working within your budget. They have the ability to envision the scope of a project and work within a specified time frame, and their professional decisions will add value to your home.
Interior designers have a network of contacts and suppliers for your project. They have the finest craftsmen on speed dial and can access a wealth of fabric and products that can only be found by design professionals. The space they create will have that unique, custom look and won’t look like it came from a store the general public shops. Designers not only work on home improvement but also work with new construction and know the best architects, electricians, plumbers and contractors. They have reliable connections to tradespeople at every level and know how to communicate effectively with them.
- Interior designers pay attention to detail, in order to create that WOW FACTOR. They understand the space a room affords. They know what furniture will fit and what will fill the room perfectly to scale. They can provide an entire home design plan so that everything compliments each other and prevents you from making huge design errors. Moving from room to room, the whole house is tied together seamlessly. Designers know what looks good and are great decision makers. On your own, you might bog down looking through stacks of swatch books, until your eyes cross. They, on the other hand, can narrow it down to a group of five swatches for you-- to help you make a timely, informed decision.
Interior designers will make sure everything fits perfectly. When you try to do this by yourself, you get stuck dealing with too many different elements that a designer already knows how to handle. Rest assured. When they finish the job, you will have a beautiful, cohesive home—and people notice a well- designed home!
Utilizing the Designers at UpMarket
At UpMarket, we work with talented interior designers across Texas, and we are their resource for unique and fresh inventory and décor.
We are a designer’s best kept secret! At UpMarket, you can find anything from décor to custom designed furniture pieces. We have rugs, accessories, lamps, lighting, bedding--in short, if it’s going to make your home beautiful, it’s probably at UpMarket.
We are have years of design industry experience and can help you find the perfect item for your home. Whether you are buying a single item to brighten a corner, or redesigning an entire room, let us help you achieve the look you want.